

Do you like jokes?

This is funny and interesting site.
In this site, there are a lot of English jokes.
My favorite is language joke. Please check it!!
I think that if you are a good English speaker, you can understand jokes and you can laugh. But if you can’t understand English well, you can’t understand jokes.

This is also English joke site.
All sentences write in English, so you can study English with interest.
Sometimes, English joke is difficult for Japanese.
Try to understand funny English joke to look those sites.

This site is about Japanese funny story.
I expect you to laugh when you read short sentence in this site.
You will know Japanese textbook used by foreigner.
It’s a little strange for Japanese.
So, you should know about it.

You can look some strange road sign in this site.



If you eat healthy foods every day, you will get good health!!
Look those site and study about health.

You can find a lot of healthy recipes in this site.
The recipes are very detailed, so maybe you can cook healthy foods easily. Those dishes look delicious!! And in this site, there are some news and article about healthy foods. Try to look.

Eating chocolate is good for us.
You can know chocolate benefits if you look this site.

This site introduces “no sugar sweet”.
I want to eat those sweets as many as possible!!

There is lots of information in this site.
You can know about healthy fast food, healthy eating and what fat is.
Of course you can know healthy foods recipes.

There are some healthy products; food, drink, cosmetic, supplement and so on. It seems good that we take soy milk.

This site is about suntory healthy foods.
You can search many foods easily.